Saturday, July 26, 2008

I just can't seem to keep my nieces off this blog. First Ava's surgery and now Julia's first stitches.

I love this child dearly, but my first reaction was to bust out laughing. She ran into a door at day care. This probably wouldn't have been quite as funny if I hadn't seen her run down a hallway earlier in the week and simply forget to stop, throwing herself into the door at the end of the hall.

Other than that, nothing exciting to report. Ryan's been out of town for most of the summer. He went to play in golf tournaments back in Indiana. So in the mean time, I've just been hanging out, steering clear of public transportation. Hopefully more to report next week!


lisaknox said...

Oooh! Poor Julia. Susannah was about that age when she put her bottom teeth through her lower lip, and she has no scar to show for it, so no worries there. Thanks for keeping us in the know!

It's been a newsy summer in the extended family!

Chris said...

I love her attitude! How many 3 year olds could be given stitches in their mouth and remained perfectly calm?....and "paid attention" to the doctor????? How many 60 year olds could???? I'm impressed.