Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Getting Started

Welcome to the Kruse Connection!  Keeping up with our lives will hopefully be easier now that you only have to jump online!  Geoff and Brooke have definitely started a trend.  One we thought was the perfect way for you to see what we're up to.  The problem that we face now is - what do we say?  Over the past week, Ryan and I heard fabulous stories from our friends.  Everything from having dinner with Cameron Diaz to spontaneously hopping a plane to Paris for the weekend.  All we can say is -  "Thank God for Michael and Erica's wedding"!  

We have recently become certified jet-setters.  The first big trip is the fore mentioned wedding, which was amazing.  Ryan's college buddy/roommate and now good friend of both Ryan and myself married Erica, whom Ryan and I also get to call a good friend.  Here we are on Cozumel getting to know the locals by hitting the open road.  This jeep came equipped with no working seat belts and a couple of styrofoam cups full of beer.  Gotta love Mexico!
Our all-inclusive resort held all 77 of us.  We were extremely tame and quiet as you can see from the next pictures! 

That's all for now! There will be plenty more to come, we hope!
Love, Kerrie and Ryan

1 comment:

Chris said...

This is going to be so great!! I love blogs! Hope you post lots of pics. I know there'll be some good stories.
Aunt Chris